Earth's crammed with Heaven and every common bush afire with God
But only those who see take off their shoes
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries

Emily Dickinson

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Happiness Habit: Something Honorable

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable...think about these things. Philippians 4:8

I have been searching the news for things that are worth thinking about.

While still trapped far underground, Lois Urzua, the 54 year old shift foreman of the San Jose Mine in Copiapa Chile, described the collapse that trapped him and his crew in the mine.

"It was frightening. We felt like the mountain was coming down on us, without knowing what happened. Thanks to God, we still hadn't gathered together to go out to have lunch. ... At 20 minutes before 2 (their usual lunch hour), the mountain came down on top of us."

Before the dust had even settled Urzua directed most of the men to huddle while he and three others scouted.
"For about four or five hours, we couldn't see a thing. After that we saw that we were trapped by an enormous rock that filled the entire passage of the tunnel."

After ascertaining the gravity of their situation, he began the difficult task of keeping his men alive. For the next 17 days, he limited each man to 2 spoonfuls of tuna fish and a half a glass of milk every 48 hours.

Luiz drew detailed maps, divided work, sleep and sanitary areas, and used the headlights of mining trucks to simulate sunlight. After a 6 inch hole was finally bored from the surface, he worked with experts outside the mine to keep his men healthy physically, and mentally. He kept the miners on their 12 hour shifts in order to do what they could from below to prepare for their rescue. More than 2 months after the collapse all 33 men were finally brought to the surface, alive. Luiz came up last. 

In my opinion the leadership this man showed in an apparently hopeless situation is worth thinking about.

(Information from,, and the Associated Press.)

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