Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
I remember reading an anecdote years ago about women in London during the hard years of World War II. (I think it was in a book by Karen Mains, but I can't find it. I'm sorry.) In the midst of food rationing, sending their sons to fight and not knowing if they would ever see them again, nightly bombings, volunteering, and doing everything they could do to help the war effort, these women also reserved time to arrange flowers. They would gather once a week and make flower arrangements. It became a very high priority in their lives. Even bombings and news of tragic deaths were not allowed to interfere with the time set aside for flowers. They were starving, not for food, but for beauty. In the midst of so much pain, fear, ugliness and loss, gathering weekly to create something beautiful with flowers fed their souls' needs for the good.
I have always sensed that there is something inherently necessary about great music, visual art, poetry, dance, drama, stories... Such things are not usually deemed practical or useful, but great art supplies a fundamental human need. Our thirsty souls need to drink in things that are lovely, commendable, excellent, worthy of praise. My theory is that during our most difficult seasons of life, seasons when we are bombarded with disease, or tragedy, or painful relationships, seeking out the excellent and beautiful becomes imperative.
I am not in a particularly dark season, but I think I'll go now, turn on some George Winston, and read something by Emily Dickinson anyway.
I would love to know what writer or musician or artist living or dead you turn to when you need a dose of something excellent. Perhaps your favorite will become my favorite too!
By the way, I tried to loosen the controls on posting comments on this blog. So, if you tried in the past to post a comment and weren't able to, please think about trying again. Thanks!
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