Whatever is true...think on these things." Phil 4:8
I have been pursuing developing a habit of happiness.
Today I am planning to think more about Paul's assertion that our thought life makes a difference. He says we should choose to think about "whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just..."
That got me thinking, if I am going to thing about things that are true, I need to be able to tell the difference between truth and lies.
Truth in Political Ads?
This morning I turned on the TV. I was immediately barraged by ads bashing the candidates running for office. The first ad was so damming that it made me wonder why this guy is running for congress instead of sitting in jail. The next ad was praising the same guy, making him sound like he should be sainted next week. What is a voter to do? How am I supposed to know what is true?
Truth from the Mexican Police
The news story that came up next was related to the couple who was jet skiing on a lake on the Texas/Mexico border a couple of weeks ago. The husband was shot and killed. A few days ago the lead Mexican investigator announced that they had a couple of suspects, leaders of a drug cartel. The day after that, his bosses announced that contrary to the earlier announcement, there were no suspects. the leaders of the drug cartel had been cleared. A few days later that investigator showed up at an army base, at least his head did. It was in a suitcase. Suspicious. What is the truth?
What is truth?
Philosophers debate truth.
Some people don't believe that anything is ultimately true.
How can I know what is true?
In the middle of a different type of terrible situation, Jesus was being interrogated by a corrupt, self-serving, high government official. (Hmmm thousands of years pass, yet this seems as familiar as today's news.)
Jesus said, "For this purpose I have come into the world - to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice." (John 18:37)
Truth was pretty hard to find on the TV this morning.
If I want to think about the truth, I won't really find it on major news outlets. Once again everything comes around to Jesus. The only place I can find reliable truth is by listening to him.
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