"It is folly and extreme madness always to be longing for things that not only can never satisfy but cannot even blunt the appetite; however much you have of such things, you still desire what you have not yet attained; you are always restlessly sighing after what is missing." Bernard of Clairvaux
I went shopping the other day with my stepdaughter. Park Meadows mall is located in an area filled with elaborate, architect designed, large homes. The mall is beautifully decorated to remind shoppers of the natural beauty of the Colorado mountains. There are technology stores, (Mac, Microsoft, and Brookstone) various sporting goods stores, even a store devoted to fancy pens and another one devoted to loose leaf tea and artistic tea pots, two of my own favorite obsessions. The upscale clothing stores are filled with items from every designer in America and most around the world. Each store is artfully arranged to entice the shopper to hunger voraciously for more.
I imagine my new mentor Bernard being dropped from his twelfth century Paris into Park Meadows mall. He is still dressed in his coarsely woven gray monk's cloak. For a moment he blinks confusedly around. His senses are struck by the lack of dust and the missing stench of human waste. His eyes dart from store to store trying to make sense of the abundant array of unfamiliar things. Then his eyes meet the eyes of a woman carrying a couple of bags with the word Nordstrom printed on the side. Bernard's eyes brim with compassionate tears. In the woman's eyes the wise monk sees his first familiar sight, madness. He sees the starving soul of a person who continues to try to blunt her appetites with things that can never satisfy. She is in the throws of her addiction though. She would think he was a mentally ill vagrant if he approached to tell her that one more Chanel bag, or bottle of perfume will never satisfy her hunger. He sits down beside an artificial pond with its fragrance-less flowers to wait, knowing that people in the throws of the pursuit for nothing will never listen to reason.
I would like to boast that I am immune to this insanity; that I never try to feed my soul with food meant only for the body, but it wouldn't be true. What did I do when I got home from the mall? I went directly to my computer and logged in to my favorite online store. I had been bitten by the madness. I hungered for new jeans with wide stitches and a figure flattering shape...
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